If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
Connect with us...
WIN Monthly MeetUps:
Monthly evening gatherings that feed our thrive.
The first Tuesday of every month from 5:45pm to 8pm
Wake Up to WIN:
Time for our paid WIN Members to connect on a deeper level.
The second Tuesday of every month from 8-9am
WIN Lunch and Learns:
Our monthly opportunity to grow your business wisdom and skills.
The third Tuesday of every month from 5:45pm to 8pm

upcoming events
Can't wait to see you there...
All this and more in 2025:
- Tue, Mar 18Location is TBD
- Tue, Apr 15Location is TBD
- Tue, May 20Location is TBD
- Tue, Jun 17Location is TBD
- Tue, Aug 19Location is TBD
- Tue, Oct 21Location is TBD

Bring your one-of-a-kind self to our treasure trove of kickass women at WIN. Together, we co-create a lot of joy, a lot of connection, a lot of inspiration and a lot of growth... all while raising money to support young women in this community who want to extend their education beyond high school. All are welcome. Members get extra benefits like free events, the ability to bring a guest for free, our WIN Directory, local discounts and much, much more!
We get a lot and we give a lot.
Together, we thrive.
Connect. Inspire. Grow.

Email Subscribers
Events Hosted
Scholarships Awarded
WOMEN INSPIRED... by the numbers
Our amazing sponsors, hosts and collaborators...
We couldn't do it without you. Thank you.

Want to join this amazing crew?
Your time and/or resources directly support our community, local women in business and young women with our WIN for GOOD Scholarship Fund.
Gain some serious visibility with our amazing community.
Contact scholarships@winparkcity.com for more details.