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Volunteer with us....

WIN is currently a co-created and entirely volunteer run organization.For this community to thrive, we rely on help from amazing women like you. We have a variety of options to volunteer time and/or resources. The more of us who volunteer, the less time any one person needs to spend volunteering... it does take a village ;-)  â€‹â€‹


Our Volunteer Teams:

Core Team: The team leads for each of the areas below make up our Core Team, who works with the Executive Director to make WIN all that it is and will become.

Meetings: The team that pull together all the event locations, food and drink and support at all of our events. 

Marketing: The team that gets word out and keeps everyone in the loop via Social Media, local event calendars and more. 
Fundraising: The team that raises money through grants, sponsorships, raffles and more to support WIN's operating costs and pay-it-forward efforts (currently our scholarship program), as well as partnerships with local non-profits. 

Membership: The team that grows and supports our members

Scholarships: The team that currently supports our Scholarship program - working with the four area public high schools to provide scholarships for high school graduates to be able to continue their education.

Executive Direction and Project Management: Works with the Executive Director and the Core Team to help finish all the tasks involved with running WIN.​

Other Forms of Support:

If time isn't a resource you have to share at the moment, we also need these resources for WIN to work: 


  • Locations to hold our events at:

    • One time

    • Consistently over the year​

  • Food and Beverage

  • WIN Sponsors

  • Event Sponsors

  • Raffle Items

  • WIN Member Benefits:

    • Swag

    • Discounts

    • Other

  • Other? We're open to anything! Let us know...



We need you to help make
the Women's Inspired Network Exceptional 

We can't wait for WIN 2025! It's going to be an awesome year. Please let us know how you can participate in co-creating WIN this year by completing this form.

I'd like to help WIN in 2025 in one of these areas (check all that are of interest):
Knowing availability might change from month to month, I expect to have about ___ hours a month to help support WIN.
I would like to provide other types of support, such as:

THANK YOU for sharing with us. We'll be in touch over the next few weeks.

Share your ideas for WIN

Tel: 801-201-4443

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